Building Site Assessed for Environmental Hazards

Carnow Conibear was contracted to provide Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and Geotechnical services at the site located at a proposed Student Services Development and Parking Facility in Chicago, Illinois from February through March in 2007.

Building Site Assessed for Environmental Hazards

The site covers approximately 0.25 acre. The Phase I ESA identified the historical uses of the site as a photo shop and recommended that a Phase II ESA be performed.

Phase II Envrionmental Site Assessment

The purpose of the Phase II ESA was to determine if the identified recognized environmental conditions (RECs) had impacted the site soil. The Phase II ESA consisted of performing soil borings and collecting soil samples from areas of potential contamination. Soil borings were located across the site for general coverage of the overall site since both environmental and geotechnical information were requested for the project. Soil samples were analyzed for the appropriate parameters to address the RECs and characterize the site. Split samples were forwarded for geotechnical laboratory analysis.

The environmental soil sample analytical results were compared to the Tier 1 soil remediation objectives (SROs) for residential properties, Tier 1 groundwater remediation objectives (GROs) for Class I and II groundwater ingestion and the construction worker scenario. The Phase II ESA detected several constituents at concentrations exceeding the Tier 1 SROs for residential SROs, and Class I groundwater. Carnow Conibear recommended the Confidential Lending Institution perform further investigations to determine the vertical extent of contamination, enroll the site into the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) Site Remediation Program (SRP), incorporate site remediation work into the site redevelopment plans and specifications, and that soils at the site be characterized and properly disposed at an approved licensed landfill.

Geotechnical Investigation

The geotechnical sampling performed in conjunction with the environmental sampling evaluated the soil conditions down to approximately 25 feet below ground surface. Carnow Conibear logged all subsurface drilling and sampling data as a cost saving option.

For more information on this project, please contact David Bremer, CHMM, REM at 1-800-860-4486
