Global Warming: Not Much Left To Debate

April 28, 2014- There is a chart that pretty much sums up the research on man-made global warming and whether there’s still any legitimate scientific debate about it.

It was created by James Powell, an MIT-trained geochemist, longtime Oberlin professor, and former member of the National Science Board. He searched for all studies published in 2013 that mentioned "global warming," "global climate change," or "climate change," and found 10,885 of them.

Powell combed through the papers and found only two that rejected the idea that humans are responsible for climate change.

"On the one side, we have a mountain of scientific evidence, on the other, ideology and arm-waving," Powell wrote.

Some climate change deniers refuse to be moved by the ever-growing "mountain of scientific evidence." But before having a knee-jerk reaction to Powell's findings, consider what they mean, suggests Ashutosh Jogalekar at Scientific American:

“I understand as well as anyone else that consensus does not imply truth, but I find it odd how there aren’t even a handful of scientists who deny global warming presumably because the global warming mafia threatens to throttle them if they do. It’s not like we are seeing a 70-30% split, or even a 90-10% split. No, the split is more like 99.99-0.01%.”

Click here to read more.

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